16708 rank

104,030 points

155 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
lilbrnmouse    not a guild
Fel Dranghyr 12855 lilbrnmouse not a guild 433,634 503
lilbrnmouse    Tired of Guilds
Houndsmoor 14502 lilbrnmouse Tired of Guilds 301,863 357
East-Nagach 16708 lilbrnmouse 104,030 155
Parkog 15059 lilbrnmouse 88,597 98
Qunrir 15850 lilbrnmouse 66,666 144
lilbrnmouse    Nat. Park Service
Greifental 17707 lilbrnmouse Nat. Park Service 44,771 113
lilbrnmouse    Low activity
Arvahall 23853 lilbrnmouse Low activity 40,047 76