3588 rank

45,190,721 points

7,962 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Retlaw the Strong    reason Слава Україна
Brisgard 2742 Retlaw the Strong reason Слава Україна 78,814,584 14,997
Retlaw the Strong    Mad Dogs
Houndsmoor 2778 Retlaw the Strong Mad Dogs 69,947,680 12,698
Retlaw the Strong    DragonSlayer
Noarsil 2857 Retlaw the Strong DragonSlayer 59,146,866 11,953
Retlaw the Strong    Infinity
Korch 3084 Retlaw the Strong Infinity 54,487,196 10,687
Retlaw the Strong    Pegasus of V
Vingrid 2864 Retlaw the Strong Pegasus of V 52,311,380 9,832
Retlaw the Strong    Blue's Palace
Dunarsund 3440 Retlaw the Strong Blue's Palace 51,641,833 9,575
Retlaw the Strong    In This for Quests
Parkog 2874 Retlaw the Strong In This for Quests 51,136,398 9,019
Retlaw the Strong    Zero
Mount Killmore 3411 Retlaw the Strong Zero 48,213,664 9,191
Retlaw the Strong    Hermit's Legacy
East-Nagach 3588 Retlaw the Strong Hermit's Legacy 45,190,721 7,962