2099 rank

136,448,476 points

12,912 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jack_Broome    Flying Dutchman
Dunarsund 1903 Jack_Broome Flying Dutchman 156,043,266 12,926
Jack_Broome    JUST 4 FUN
Fel Dranghyr 1932 Jack_Broome JUST 4 FUN 143,077,964 14,149
Jack_Broome    Evropa
Brisgard 2038 Jack_Broome Evropa 140,658,390 12,947
Jack_Broome    Soldiers of Anarchy
East-Nagach 2099 Jack_Broome Soldiers of Anarchy 136,448,476 12,912
Jack_Broome    The Blues Brothers
Arvahall 2433 Jack_Broome The Blues Brothers 133,638,015 13,655
Jack_Broome    Three Inns
Cirgard 2213 Jack_Broome Three Inns 116,269,449 13,199