5449 rank

18,124,661 points

19,006 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Danae 1525 the Noble    Vesta's Village
Dunarsund 5191 Danae 1525 the Noble Vesta's Village 21,009,025 17,832
Danae 1525 the Noble    Claws of The Lion
East-Nagach 5449 Danae 1525 the Noble Claws of The Lion 18,124,661 19,006
Danae 1525 the Noble    💰MarketAnarchists💰
Carthage 2447 Danae 1525 the Noble 💰MarketAnarchists💰 10,063,994 9,832
Danae 1525 the Noble    League of Nomads
Yorkton 6041 Danae 1525 the Noble League of Nomads 7,965,430 8,458