11528 rank

895,016 points

648 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
kNute of the North    Brandywine Rise
Cirgard 10148 kNute of the North Brandywine Rise 1,744,743 1,249
kNute of the North    Easy Going Only
Arvahall 12338 kNute of the North Easy Going Only 1,675,606 1,065
kNute of the North    Artist Clan
Brisgard 11442 kNute of the North Artist Clan 1,496,829 899
kNute of the North    Progressive Guild
East-Nagach 11528 kNute of the North Progressive Guild 895,016 648
kNute of the North    one and one
Dunarsund 12064 kNute of the North one and one 878,806 558
kNute of the North   
Angkor 10873 kNute of the North 494,356 505
kNute of the North    Guild of Hounds
Houndsmoor 14103 kNute of the North Guild of Hounds 350,457 386
kNute of the North    Vaxit
Greifental 13681 kNute of the North Vaxit 265,595 335
kNute of the North    Winnow
Fel Dranghyr 14402 kNute of the North Winnow 231,716 295