12016 rank

723,694 points

1,408 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rachel116    Trade Alliance
Brisgard 5778 Rachel116 Trade Alliance 18,871,790 20,451
Arvahall 8668 Rachel116 7,956,654 20,156
Rachel116    do whatever
Dunarsund 12063 Rachel116 do whatever 867,629 2,301
Rachel116    Firetamers
East-Nagach 12016 Rachel116 Firetamers 723,694 1,408
Cirgard 12470 Rachel116 645,099 2,016
Rachel116    No Mandatory
Fel Dranghyr 13494 Rachel116 No Mandatory 310,495 1,126
Xyr 15085 Rachel116 202,746 792
Rachel116    Ace of Spades
Tuulech 13166 Rachel116 Ace of Spades 175,183 806
Rachel116    Kingstowne
Rugnir 13804 Rachel116 Kingstowne 158,678 567
Houndsmoor 16096 Rachel116 155,065 587