11030 rank

1,115,109 points

1,266 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Darmak of Tinagra   
Cirgard 7101 Darmak of Tinagra 8,003,407 5,290
Darmak of Tinagra   
Xyr 9029 Darmak of Tinagra 2,459,116 173
Darmak of Tinagra    No rules to obey
East-Nagach 11030 Darmak of Tinagra No rules to obey 1,115,109 1,266
Darmak of Tinagra   
Mount Killmore 11774 Darmak of Tinagra 1,007,176 1,273
Darmak of Tinagra   
Dilmun 7341 Darmak of Tinagra 75,746 346