10526 rank

1,399,874 points

1,057 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Crazy old Warhorse    Scottsman
Brisgard 6803 Crazy old Warhorse Scottsman 11,452,054 3,413
Crazy old Warhorse    The Jedi Order
Arvahall 7680 Crazy old Warhorse The Jedi Order 11,072,728 3,246
Crazy old Warhorse    Gina's Guild
Fel Dranghyr 6324 Crazy old Warhorse Gina's Guild 9,832,930 2,948
Crazy old Warhorse    Trinity
Dunarsund 7149 Crazy old Warhorse Trinity 8,628,154 2,862
Crazy old Warhorse    Chain Gang
Greifental 6820 Crazy old Warhorse Chain Gang 7,771,921 2,610
Crazy old Warhorse    Enchanted Starlight
Cirgard 7216 Crazy old Warhorse Enchanted Starlight 7,163,323 2,554
Crazy old Warhorse    knights of old
Houndsmoor 7545 Crazy old Warhorse knights of old 6,509,208 2,419
Crazy old Warhorse    Republic of NFLD
Carthage 3285 Crazy old Warhorse Republic of NFLD 4,877,010 1,925
Crazy old Warhorse    Masonic Lodge
Walstrand 6806 Crazy old Warhorse Masonic Lodge 4,725,839 2,119
Crazy old Warhorse    The Protectors
Langendorn 7662 Crazy old Warhorse The Protectors 4,011,388 1,765
Crazy old Warhorse    Kingdom of Unity
Uceria 7614 Crazy old Warhorse Kingdom of Unity 3,971,877 1,669
Crazy old Warhorse    Jesus army
Odhrorvar 7441 Crazy old Warhorse Jesus army 3,928,118 1,752
Crazy old Warhorse    GUILD NO REQUIREMTS
Noarsil 7560 Crazy old Warhorse GUILD NO REQUIREMTS 3,925,653 1,972
Crazy old Warhorse    Fun and Laid Back
Mount Killmore 8919 Crazy old Warhorse Fun and Laid Back 3,780,551 1,807
Crazy old Warhorse    The_Illuminati
Korch 8040 Crazy old Warhorse The_Illuminati 3,539,313 1,786
Crazy old Warhorse    Kingdom
Birka 5078 Crazy old Warhorse Kingdom 3,506,457 1,577
Crazy old Warhorse    for fun
Qunrir 7778 Crazy old Warhorse for fun 3,419,962 1,857
Crazy old Warhorse    The Mad Hatters
Jaims 8197 Crazy old Warhorse The Mad Hatters 3,369,598 1,943
Crazy old Warhorse    Shadowvale
Parkog 7651 Crazy old Warhorse Shadowvale 3,266,914 1,878
Crazy old Warhorse    The Good Fight
Angkor 7084 Crazy old Warhorse The Good Fight 3,216,502 1,649
Crazy old Warhorse    Chillville
Yorkton 7736 Crazy old Warhorse Chillville 3,144,026 1,578
Crazy old Warhorse    Sinerania TradeGroup
Sinerania 7690 Crazy old Warhorse Sinerania TradeGroup 3,107,241 1,718
Crazy old Warhorse    KnightsofNee
Tuulech 7752 Crazy old Warhorse KnightsofNee 2,925,838 1,499
Crazy old Warhorse    Rocky Point 1
Rugnir 8085 Crazy old Warhorse Rocky Point 1 2,718,757 1,584
Crazy old Warhorse    helpme
Dilmun 2865 Crazy old Warhorse helpme 2,652,441 1,661
Crazy old Warhorse    old pack
Zorskog 7657 Crazy old Warhorse old pack 2,560,885 1,311
Crazy old Warhorse    Existential Sprocket
Vingrid 8324 Crazy old Warhorse Existential Sprocket 2,466,404 1,292
Crazy old Warhorse    Trump Rules
Xyr 9916 Crazy old Warhorse Trump Rules 1,599,254 1,153
Crazy old Warhorse    StarWeavers
East-Nagach 10526 Crazy old Warhorse StarWeavers 1,399,874 1,057