14540 rank

262,527 points

830 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Antigonus 2454 the Just    Steel Magnolias
Arvahall 11423 Antigonus 2454 the Just Steel Magnolias 2,379,731 3,423
Antigonus 2454 the Just   
Angkor 7745 Antigonus 2454 the Just 2,164,181 3,805
Antigonus 2454 the Just    🛰 firefly
Mount Killmore 10378 Antigonus 2454 the Just 🛰 firefly 1,838,324 2,959
Antigonus 2454 the Just    SteelMagnolias
Xyr 9749 Antigonus 2454 the Just SteelMagnolias 1,743,181 2,673
Antigonus 2454 the Just    Steel magnolias
Korch 9420 Antigonus 2454 the Just Steel magnolias 1,660,735 3,253
Antigonus 2454 the Just   
Tuulech 8725 Antigonus 2454 the Just 1,634,151 2,957
Antigonus 2454 the Just   
Sinerania 9118 Antigonus 2454 the Just 1,416,870 2,686
Antigonus 2454 the Just    Amazon Sun Warriors
Greifental 9936 Antigonus 2454 the Just Amazon Sun Warriors 1,410,922 2,915
Antigonus 2454 the Just   
Noarsil 9285 Antigonus 2454 the Just 1,409,224 2,876
Antigonus 2454 the Just   
Carthage 4718 Antigonus 2454 the Just 1,298,762 2,200
Antigonus 2454 the Just    Diamond Farmers
Qunrir 10164 Antigonus 2454 the Just Diamond Farmers 914,466 2,665
Antigonus 2454 the Just   
Birka 7283 Antigonus 2454 the Just 838,140 2,512
Antigonus 2454 the Just    join4fun
Vingrid 12852 Antigonus 2454 the Just join4fun 293,570 889
Antigonus 2454 the Just    Aid & Trade
East-Nagach 14540 Antigonus 2454 the Just Aid & Trade 262,527 830
Antigonus 2454 the Just   
Parkog 13039 Antigonus 2454 the Just 218,813 818
Antigonus 2454 the Just    Fire and Ice
Brisgard 19776 Antigonus 2454 the Just Fire and Ice 73,559 118
Antigonus 2454 the Just   
Rugnir 16949 Antigonus 2454 the Just 44,995 144