18314 rank

68,392 points

45 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pierce Hawthorn    Moon Goddess
Cirgard 12125 Pierce Hawthorn Moon Goddess 773,076 515
Pierce Hawthorn    Braveheart
Dunarsund 14515 Pierce Hawthorn Braveheart 368,936 253
Pierce Hawthorn    Order of Valkyrie
Rugnir 13447 Pierce Hawthorn Order of Valkyrie 242,024 114
Pierce Hawthorn    uzi
Qunrir 13782 Pierce Hawthorn uzi 202,953 120
Pierce Hawthorn    Death To Corruption
Xyr 15840 Pierce Hawthorn Death To Corruption 193,543 97
Pierce Hawthorn    The Pants
Zorskog 13542 Pierce Hawthorn The Pants 182,487 112
Pierce Hawthorn    Guilderland America
Walstrand 13606 Pierce Hawthorn Guilderland America 177,162 113
Pierce Hawthorn    The Coven
Vingrid 14362 Pierce Hawthorn The Coven 176,103 97
Pierce Hawthorn    The 420 High Flyers
Mount Killmore 17115 Pierce Hawthorn The 420 High Flyers 171,790 62
Pierce Hawthorn    PDF
Greifental 15116 Pierce Hawthorn PDF 164,355 104
Pierce Hawthorn    Atmosfear
Sinerania 14663 Pierce Hawthorn Atmosfear 138,541 81
Pierce Hawthorn    Mustachio
Brisgard 18824 Pierce Hawthorn Mustachio 118,297 85
Pierce Hawthorn    White Rose
Yorkton 15570 Pierce Hawthorn White Rose 115,566 82
Pierce Hawthorn    The kings of land
Parkog 15249 Pierce Hawthorn The kings of land 102,035 62
Pierce Hawthorn    Gymbeasts
Arvahall 21637 Pierce Hawthorn Gymbeasts 90,619 36
Pierce Hawthorn    Open To All
Jaims 16804 Pierce Hawthorn Open To All 83,129 48
Pierce Hawthorn    CastleWood
Fel Dranghyr 17466 Pierce Hawthorn CastleWood 79,307 62
Pierce Hawthorn    Ewoks
Noarsil 16121 Pierce Hawthorn Ewoks 77,922 47
Pierce Hawthorn    Live Long & Prosper
Uceria 16243 Pierce Hawthorn Live Long & Prosper 74,605 94
Pierce Hawthorn    Roxie’s Revelers
East-Nagach 18314 Pierce Hawthorn Roxie’s Revelers 68,392 45
Pierce Hawthorn    Rutland
Tuulech 15833 Pierce Hawthorn Rutland 67,823 50
Pierce Hawthorn    Guild of Discovery
Korch 17337 Pierce Hawthorn Guild of Discovery 66,991 72
Pierce Hawthorn    Doc's Place
Odhrorvar 16780 Pierce Hawthorn Doc's Place 51,983 51
Pierce Hawthorn    The Park
Birka 13089 Pierce Hawthorn The Park 50,121 42
Pierce Hawthorn    Royal Flush
Carthage 10421 Pierce Hawthorn Royal Flush 46,541 80
Pierce Hawthorn    Nemesis
Dilmun 7108 Pierce Hawthorn Nemesis 42,954 28
Pierce Hawthorn    Rough Riders
Langendorn 17893 Pierce Hawthorn Rough Riders 42,520 70
Pierce Hawthorn    Angkor Watt
Angkor 17598 Pierce Hawthorn Angkor Watt 36,189 40