17764 rank

66,582 points

196 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Aeschylus 2700 the Hawk   
East-Nagach 17764 Aeschylus 2700 the Hawk 66,582 196
Aeschylus 2700 the Hawk    Rough Riders
Langendorn 16106 Aeschylus 2700 the Hawk Rough Riders 66,293 126
Aeschylus 2700 the Hawk   
Korch 17057 Aeschylus 2700 the Hawk 59,817 140
Aeschylus 2700 the Hawk    Kingdom of Saxony
Rugnir 16271 Aeschylus 2700 the Hawk Kingdom of Saxony 57,645 168