7577 rank

6,780,293 points

4,512 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Leopold 1382 the Daring    Taking it easy
Mount Killmore 7162 Leopold 1382 the Daring Taking it easy 8,883,590 4,133
Leopold 1382 the Daring    The Phoenix
Odhrorvar 6513 Leopold 1382 the Daring The Phoenix 7,250,575 3,029
Leopold 1382 the Daring    Do nothing Gang
East-Nagach 7577 Leopold 1382 the Daring Do nothing Gang 6,780,293 4,512
Leopold 1382 the Daring    Quiet and Peaceful
Carthage 3647 Leopold 1382 the Daring Quiet and Peaceful 4,447,781 2,332