10828 rank

1,238,825 points

106 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Revelation 6 10    🐦Unladen Swallows🐦
Yorkton 5036 Revelation 6 10 🐦Unladen Swallows🐦 11,739,993 6,973
Revelation 6 10    Laid Back Guild
Cirgard 6842 Revelation 6 10 Laid Back Guild 8,040,532 5,414
Revelation 6 10    Just2Play
Carthage 2508 Revelation 6 10 Just2Play 7,518,724 5,652
Revelation 6 10    United We Stand
Jaims 7153 Revelation 6 10 United We Stand 5,737,032 5,096
Revelation 6 10    The No Rules Guild
Sinerania 8063 Revelation 6 10 The No Rules Guild 2,514,972 4,163
Revelation 6 10    SAFE HAVEN
Parkog 8850 Revelation 6 10 SAFE HAVEN 1,636,270 1,942
Revelation 6 10    Followers of Christ
East-Nagach 10828 Revelation 6 10 Followers of Christ 1,238,825 106
Revelation 6 10    Merchant traders
Langendorn 9925 Revelation 6 10 Merchant traders 1,127,867 970
Revelation 6 10    Forge Friends
Houndsmoor 11832 Revelation 6 10 Forge Friends 874,527 759
Revelation 6 10    Jesus is Lord!
Uceria 10543 Revelation 6 10 Jesus is Lord! 845,122 642
Revelation 6 10    No Guilt Guild
Greifental 11774 Revelation 6 10 No Guilt Guild 627,839 885
Revelation 6 10    Friendly Traders
Dilmun 3980 Revelation 6 10 Friendly Traders 622,833 904
Revelation 6 10   
Arvahall 15799 Revelation 6 10 532,504 1,013
Revelation 6 10    KHEDIVE
Angkor 14747 Revelation 6 10 KHEDIVE 99,971 99
Revelation 6 10    Empire of the Dragon
Qunrir 15238 Revelation 6 10 Empire of the Dragon 96,805 126
Revelation 6 10    Ducky!!
Birka 12090 Revelation 6 10 Ducky!! 76,093 122