6727 rank

9,620,968 points

7,015 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ser Davos    Player Trade Assoc.
Houndsmoor 2844 Ser Davos Player Trade Assoc. 68,545,998 15,629
Ser Davos    Just2Play
Carthage 1487 Ser Davos Just2Play 23,238,358 11,139
Ser Davos    Artistes Respite
Greifental 4770 Ser Davos Artistes Respite 21,614,860 10,027
Ser Davos    Warrior's Pride
Brisgard 6771 Ser Davos Warrior's Pride 11,491,270 8,356
Ser Davos    The Ærie 🦅
East-Nagach 6727 Ser Davos The Ærie 🦅 9,620,968 7,015
Ser Davos    Galaxy Quest
Fel Dranghyr 8440 Ser Davos Galaxy Quest 3,346,047 4,756