13075 rank

465,055 points

435 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
at123456a    Kingdom of West
Arvahall 14654 at123456a Kingdom of West 781,255 567
at123456a    NoIdea
Parkog 10455 at123456a NoIdea 701,421 538
at123456a    Order of the Pheonix
Angkor 10467 at123456a Order of the Pheonix 589,688 525
at123456a    Wayfarer'sRespite
Brisgard 14054 at123456a Wayfarer'sRespite 567,164 514
at123456a    Kiss my Anthia
Cirgard 12940 at123456a Kiss my Anthia 537,676 556
at123456a    i d k what im doing
Walstrand 10969 at123456a i d k what im doing 470,632 479
at123456a    Eye of Ra
East-Nagach 13075 at123456a Eye of Ra 465,055 435