9660 rank

1,798,746 points

1,536 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jenus the Benevolent   
Houndsmoor 8103 Jenus the Benevolent 5,421,560 2,289
Jenus the Benevolent   
Arvahall 9755 Jenus the Benevolent 5,189,919 2,805
Jenus the Benevolent   
Dunarsund 9978 Jenus the Benevolent 2,169,235 1,953
Jenus the Benevolent   
Fel Dranghyr 9660 Jenus the Benevolent 1,798,746 1,536
Jenus the Benevolent   
Vingrid 9231 Jenus the Benevolent 1,539,554 1,641
Jenus the Benevolent   
Zorskog 10215 Jenus the Benevolent 716,301 959
Jenus the Benevolent   
Korch 11398 Jenus the Benevolent 654,266 558
Jenus the Benevolent   
Brisgard 13943 Jenus the Benevolent 606,508 663
Jenus the Benevolent   
Cirgard 14272 Jenus the Benevolent 327,139 325
Jenus the Benevolent   
Rugnir 12420 Jenus the Benevolent 317,071 269
Jenus the Benevolent   
Yorkton 12982 Jenus the Benevolent 278,724 329