17425 rank

62,421 points

45 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Terrible Terrysue    Gargantia
Arvahall 18278 Terrible Terrysue Gargantia 243,279 134
Terrible Terrysue    The Money Team
Rugnir 13629 Terrible Terrysue The Money Team 184,374 113
Terrible Terrysue    Den of the Dragons
Cirgard 16824 Terrible Terrysue Den of the Dragons 126,000 89
Terrible Terrysue    Red Raider
Qunrir 14575 Terrible Terrysue Red Raider 119,640 69
Terrible Terrysue    Gryffindor
Dunarsund 17339 Terrible Terrysue Gryffindor 109,626 90
Terrible Terrysue    knights
Walstrand 15157 Terrible Terrysue knights 72,529 49
Terrible Terrysue    RARE ALLIANCE
Fel Dranghyr 17425 Terrible Terrysue RARE ALLIANCE 62,421 45