5041 rank

20,197,271 points

20,169 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
G0T U    Pegasus of V
Vingrid 411 G0T U Pegasus of V 809,565,695 175,313
G0T U    Corsair Bay Drunk
Tuulech 1569 G0T U Corsair Bay Drunk 163,120,610 45,426
G0T U    Rogue Alliance
Uceria 3045 G0T U Rogue Alliance 56,292,530 32,666
G0T U    Wynners' Guild
Rugnir 4059 G0T U Wynners' Guild 28,968,497 29,782
G0T U    Old Ones United
Fel Dranghyr 5041 G0T U Old Ones United 20,197,271 20,169
G0T U    The Famished Horde
Zorskog 4605 G0T U The Famished Horde 14,771,994 23,642