6824 rank

7,833,703 points

3,757 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Beatrix 840 the Fair   
Korch 6501 Beatrix 840 the Fair 7,960,442 3,134
Beatrix 840 the Fair   
Fel Dranghyr 6824 Beatrix 840 the Fair 7,833,703 3,757
Beatrix 840 the Fair   
Langendorn 6489 Beatrix 840 the Fair 7,602,311 3,510
Beatrix 840 the Fair   
Jaims 6968 Beatrix 840 the Fair 6,526,124 3,083
Beatrix 840 the Fair   
Uceria 6762 Beatrix 840 the Fair 6,501,288 3,050
Beatrix 840 the Fair   
Zorskog 6038 Beatrix 840 the Fair 6,438,480 3,300
Beatrix 840 the Fair   
Angkor 8864 Beatrix 840 the Fair 1,226,013 1,667