10383 rank

1,243,890 points

859 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Epicurus 784 the Hawk    YASSSS GRRRLLLL
Fel Dranghyr 10383 Epicurus 784 the Hawk YASSSS GRRRLLLL 1,243,890 859
Epicurus 784 the Hawk    Gladiator
Tuulech 10640 Epicurus 784 the Hawk Gladiator 617,264 611
Epicurus 784 the Hawk    Hideout
Mount Killmore 13405 Epicurus 784 the Hawk Hideout 546,688 539
Epicurus 784 the Hawk    Knights of Neee
East-Nagach 19855 Epicurus 784 the Hawk Knights of Neee 29,668 124