14236 rank

247,873 points

312 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
miken31    The Phantom Legion
Greifental 564 miken31 The Phantom Legion 548,996,353 89,827
Houndsmoor 863 miken31 348,102,840 46,373
miken31    The Illuminati
Arvahall 7868 miken31 The Illuminati 10,232,375 5,603
miken31    Call to Victory
Brisgard 7924 miken31 Call to Victory 7,201,355 4,061
miken31    Warriors' Guild
Cirgard 8022 miken31 Warriors' Guild 4,912,606 3,764
miken31    Path to Victory
Jaims 8362 miken31 Path to Victory 3,039,752 2,739
miken31    White Hemlock
East-Nagach 14386 miken31 White Hemlock 277,737 359
miken31    Rising Fire
Fel Dranghyr 14236 miken31 Rising Fire 247,873 312
miken31    SOLO
Dunarsund 15504 miken31 SOLO 233,406 322