918 rank

312,211,715 points

36,630 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
CountryMouse    Ancora
Houndsmoor 387 CountryMouse Ancora 659,709,279 104,650
CountryMouse    🦁The PRIDE🦁
Fel Dranghyr 918 CountryMouse 🦁The PRIDE🦁 312,211,715 36,630
CountryMouse    The Fifth Column
Parkog 814 CountryMouse The Fifth Column 296,678,704 35,829
CountryMouse    The Iron Alliance
Jaims 904 CountryMouse The Iron Alliance 284,865,989 34,044
CountryMouse    House Mondegreen
Greifental 977 CountryMouse House Mondegreen 281,100,944 32,815
CountryMouse    🛰 firefly
Mount Killmore 1041 CountryMouse 🛰 firefly 251,225,014 26,187
CountryMouse    Camelot
Odhrorvar 1025 CountryMouse Camelot 238,198,426 26,195