14108 rank

260,834 points

99 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Troy53    FTC
Arvahall 16244 Troy53 FTC 457,703 143
Troy53    On Vacation
Greifental 12854 Troy53 On Vacation 381,186 132
Troy53    House Lannister
Brisgard 15281 Troy53 House Lannister 370,943 137
Troy53    The Immortal Light
Dunarsund 14352 Troy53 The Immortal Light 367,679 136
Troy53    Saints
Houndsmoor 14396 Troy53 Saints 314,599 122
Troy53    Iron Fang
East-Nagach 14239 Troy53 Iron Fang 296,969 157
Troy53    {The Drum Masters}
Korch 13374 Troy53 {The Drum Masters} 287,705 119
Troy53    Continental Alliance
Fel Dranghyr 14108 Troy53 Continental Alliance 260,834 99
Troy53    Hiram Abiff
Jaims 13628 Troy53 Hiram Abiff 259,912 150
Troy53    Jellybusters
Mount Killmore 16190 Troy53 Jellybusters 203,623 121
Troy53    The 3 lions
Noarsil 13564 Troy53 The 3 lions 195,498 153
Troy53    *Apulum.Ro*
Parkog 13510 Troy53 *Apulum.Ro* 176,613 131
Troy53    Tycoon 50's
Odhrorvar 13646 Troy53 Tycoon 50's 169,415 127