4059 rank

34,624,663 points

7,439 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Euphemia 1647 the Good    Spartan 300
Arvahall 2751 Euphemia 1647 the Good Spartan 300 111,038,751 17,372
Euphemia 1647 the Good    Ice Star
Qunrir 2235 Euphemia 1647 the Good Ice Star 101,453,001 15,607
Euphemia 1647 the Good    Keys of the King
Cirgard 3133 Euphemia 1647 the Good Keys of the King 61,367,520 11,643
Euphemia 1647 the Good    Malice of War
Dunarsund 4192 Euphemia 1647 the Good Malice of War 37,110,763 7,725
Euphemia 1647 the Good    Black Lagoon Saloon
Fel Dranghyr 4059 Euphemia 1647 the Good Black Lagoon Saloon 34,624,663 7,439
Euphemia 1647 the Good    Eagles
Angkor 3193 Euphemia 1647 the Good Eagles 31,185,975 6,842
Euphemia 1647 the Good    Highlanders
Xyr 3890 Euphemia 1647 the Good Highlanders 30,703,023 7,164