17914 rank

52,619 points

94 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Brandl the Bold    Dacia
Houndsmoor 17405 Brandl the Bold Dacia 94,315 56
Brandl the Bold    U.S.A
Birka 12279 Brandl the Bold U.S.A 67,112 86
Brandl the Bold    Metric Royal
Jaims 17247 Brandl the Bold Metric Royal 54,915 73
Brandl the Bold    Just chill out
Fel Dranghyr 17914 Brandl the Bold Just chill out 52,619 94
Brandl the Bold    RoyalGuards
Carthage 11217 Brandl the Bold RoyalGuards 47,879 74
Brandl the Bold    Valor
Dilmun 8166 Brandl the Bold Valor 33,830 56