2872 rank

75,963,175 points

14,638 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Willy200    BigBangTheory
Arvahall 3437 Willy200 BigBangTheory 80,073,490 15,186
Willy200    The inquisition
Parkog 2495 Willy200 The inquisition 78,080,379 14,547
Willy200    Crusaders
Yorkton 2308 Willy200 Crusaders 77,838,953 14,496
Willy200    oldfarts
East-Nagach 2976 Willy200 oldfarts 77,492,034 14,753
Willy200    Keg Slayers
Zorskog 2093 Willy200 Keg Slayers 77,236,841 14,384
Willy200    pirates cove
Houndsmoor 2907 Willy200 pirates cove 76,930,867 14,444
Willy200    DAMAS
Brisgard 3058 Willy200 DAMAS 76,733,833 14,843
Willy200    Wildpack
Langendorn 2650 Willy200 Wildpack 76,590,097 14,366
Willy200    Raiders of the Lost
Walstrand 2417 Willy200 Raiders of the Lost 76,511,172 14,318
Willy200    🌎Allegiance of Ages
Fel Dranghyr 2872 Willy200 🌎Allegiance of Ages 75,963,175 14,638
Willy200    AssTecWarrior
Tuulech 2525 Willy200 AssTecWarrior 75,848,466 14,548
Willy200    Design destiny
Rugnir 2586 Willy200 Design destiny 75,464,592 14,333
Willy200    Just to Enjoy
Sinerania 2565 Willy200 Just to Enjoy 74,460,063 14,526
Willy200    RedDragonElite
Xyr 2513 Willy200 RedDragonElite 72,482,290 14,319
Willy200    Casual Kingdom
Carthage 1804 Willy200 Casual Kingdom 20,717,499 5,641
Willy200    Time Hunters
Greifental 5207 Willy200 Time Hunters 18,443,880 5,611