5905 rank

12,980,693 points

7,011 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
albatross    Order of the Phoenix
Rugnir 1260 albatross Order of the Phoenix 231,311,894 39,254
albatross    🍄 Fungus Amongus
Zorskog 946 albatross 🍄 Fungus Amongus 227,279,422 38,354
albatross    Novice Nation
Birka 633 albatross Novice Nation 226,412,472 36,721
albatross    Drunken Celts
Uceria 4849 albatross Drunken Celts 18,722,939 7,012
albatross    KNIGHTSLAYERS
Fel Dranghyr 5905 albatross KNIGHTSLAYERS 12,980,693 7,011
albatross    Old Timers
Noarsil 5820 albatross Old Timers 11,200,877 6,268