12483 rank

501,817 points

658 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Walwilldo    Omega
Arvahall 13658 Walwilldo Omega 1,102,751 981
Brisgard 13734 Walwilldo 664,630 842
Walwilldo    Just to Enjoy
Sinerania 10788 Walwilldo Just to Enjoy 639,207 591
East-Nagach 12595 Walwilldo 586,245 738
Tuulech 10867 Walwilldo 548,162 403
Langendorn 11421 Walwilldo 548,035 627
Walwilldo    It is what it Is
Fel Dranghyr 12483 Walwilldo It is what it Is 501,817 658
Xyr 12969 Walwilldo 473,015 453
Walwilldo    Spirit of excellence
Mount Killmore 14224 Walwilldo Spirit of excellence 417,208 536
Walwilldo    House of chill
Walstrand 11403 Walwilldo House of chill 392,841 434
Walwilldo    high hopes
Yorkton 12333 Walwilldo high hopes 364,424 432
Carthage 8354 Walwilldo 250,719 314