10909 rank

997,386 points

1,633 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
crazy Lui    The Academy
Langendorn 7828 crazy Lui The Academy 3,408,548 2,309
crazy Lui    Phantom of the Park
Dunarsund 9548 crazy Lui Phantom of the Park 2,521,809 2,020
crazy Lui    Laughing Coffin
Greifental 8932 crazy Lui Laughing Coffin 2,334,755 2,173
crazy Lui    SCV Dragons
Cirgard 9514 crazy Lui SCV Dragons 2,240,682 2,465
crazy Lui    Santa Clarita
Fel Dranghyr 10909 crazy Lui Santa Clarita 997,386 1,633