2771 rank

80,250,438 points

39,752 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ruler Miya    The Rapture
Fel Dranghyr 2771 Ruler Miya The Rapture 80,250,438 39,752
Ruler Miya    The Rapture
Uceria 4128 Ruler Miya The Rapture 28,582,506 16,840
Ruler Miya    The Rapture
Dunarsund 6819 Ruler Miya The Rapture 10,678,159 6,992
Ruler Miya    Let's Get It Done
Qunrir 11783 Ruler Miya Let's Get It Done 402,693 616
Ruler Miya   
Angkor 12805 Ruler Miya 219,847 314