12228 rank

568,469 points

586 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Frank iN Stine    Followers of Christ
Odhrorvar 2178 Frank iN Stine Followers of Christ 93,142,604 89,208
Frank iN Stine    Ares’ Hands of War
Fel Dranghyr 12228 Frank iN Stine Ares’ Hands of War 568,469 586
Frank iN Stine    Celtic's Pride
Birka 9310 Frank iN Stine Celtic's Pride 299,188 369
Frank iN Stine   
Zorskog 14227 Frank iN Stine 120,722 208
Frank iN Stine   
Qunrir 14972 Frank iN Stine 100,441 229