12919 rank

405,187 points

324 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Angelica 777 the White   
East-Nagach 7855 Angelica 777 the White 5,800,263 12,666
Angelica 777 the White   
Houndsmoor 12529 Angelica 777 the White 646,727 1,177
Angelica 777 the White   
Birka 8550 Angelica 777 the White 442,701 486
Angelica 777 the White   
Uceria 11861 Angelica 777 the White 412,481 1,270
Angelica 777 the White    Expiditors
Fel Dranghyr 12919 Angelica 777 the White Expiditors 405,187 324
Angelica 777 the White   
Yorkton 12390 Angelica 777 the White 345,481 416
Angelica 777 the White   
Walstrand 13175 Angelica 777 the White 163,589 363
Angelica 777 the White   
Greifental 15007 Angelica 777 the White 133,061 291
Angelica 777 the White   
Langendorn 17829 Angelica 777 the White 29,162 24