15818 rank

125,434 points

137 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
CoBluntman    PATRIOTS
Yorkton 13677 CoBluntman PATRIOTS 215,014 234
CoBluntman    Blunts
Korch 14260 CoBluntman Blunts 198,688 308
CoBluntman    Just for Fun
Houndsmoor 15679 CoBluntman Just for Fun 194,126 235
CoBluntman    Rock of Ages
Fel Dranghyr 15818 CoBluntman Rock of Ages 125,434 137
CoBluntman    Lions Den
Parkog 14530 CoBluntman Lions Den 112,907 146
CoBluntman    Forged Greatness
Xyr 20730 CoBluntman Forged Greatness 26,168 48