5185 rank

17,151,208 points

2,402 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
darth-sllious    Gods of war442007
Greifental 5090 darth-sllious Gods of war442007 18,266,309 2,059
darth-sllious    THE WATCHMEN 6
Fel Dranghyr 5185 darth-sllious THE WATCHMEN 6 17,151,208 2,402
darth-sllious    Jolly Cadavers
Cirgard 5927 darth-sllious Jolly Cadavers 13,050,200 2,500
darth-sllious    Fierce
Walstrand 5131 darth-sllious Fierce 12,047,158 2,108
darth-sllious    Browncoats
East-Nagach 6381 darth-sllious Browncoats 11,333,117 1,902
darth-sllious    the Guild's Guild
Brisgard 8953 darth-sllious the Guild's Guild 4,678,740 1,106