17219 rank

65,589 points

299 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
RobRoy the Humble   
Jaims 11134 RobRoy the Humble 733,871 1,108
RobRoy the Humble   
Langendorn 11904 RobRoy the Humble 435,799 529
RobRoy the Humble    MandalorianCrusaders
Rugnir 11922 RobRoy the Humble MandalorianCrusaders 402,708 826
RobRoy the Humble    The great alliance
Tuulech 12313 RobRoy the Humble The great alliance 274,677 725
RobRoy the Humble    Sun Empire
Qunrir 13595 RobRoy the Humble Sun Empire 177,708 498
RobRoy the Humble    Axia
Arvahall 19531 RobRoy the Humble Axia 160,463 380
RobRoy the Humble    MERLIN
Houndsmoor 16194 RobRoy the Humble MERLIN 153,968 428
RobRoy the Humble   
Fel Dranghyr 17219 RobRoy the Humble 65,589 299
RobRoy the Humble    Anunnaki V
East-Nagach 18395 RobRoy the Humble Anunnaki V 50,210 514
RobRoy the Humble    TRADEmark*
Cirgard 19084 RobRoy the Humble TRADEmark* 49,443 293