14699 rank

204,296 points

70 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Seleukus 131 the Bold    Thunder Struck
Odhrorvar 276 Seleukus 131 the Bold Thunder Struck 933,141,229 141,759
Seleukus 131 the Bold   
Korch 13385 Seleukus 131 the Bold 286,966 226
Seleukus 131 the Bold   
Fel Dranghyr 14699 Seleukus 131 the Bold 204,296 70
Seleukus 131 the Bold   
Vingrid 13976 Seleukus 131 the Bold 181,156 62
Seleukus 131 the Bold    Ditka
Qunrir 14187 Seleukus 131 the Bold Ditka 144,568 121
Seleukus 131 the Bold   
Houndsmoor 17167 Seleukus 131 the Bold 104,847 60