6806 rank

7,285,568 points

129 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
rayjay1    Moonshine
Fel Dranghyr 6806 rayjay1 Moonshine 7,285,568 129
rayjay1    The Legion of Nature
Brisgard 7812 rayjay1 The Legion of Nature 6,783,320 85
rayjay1    Beacon
Noarsil 6513 rayjay1 Beacon 6,750,936 100
rayjay1    Equinox Asylum
Arvahall 8640 rayjay1 Equinox Asylum 6,671,154 137
rayjay1    Sallanmak
Cirgard 7475 rayjay1 Sallanmak 5,769,264 122
rayjay1    KnGaming
Langendorn 6959 rayjay1 KnGaming 5,496,255 133
rayjay1    For Fun
Dunarsund 7981 rayjay1 For Fun 5,379,916 120
rayjay1    AoBa
Uceria 6991 rayjay1 AoBa 5,373,199 123
rayjay1    Semper Fidelis
Tuulech 6617 rayjay1 Semper Fidelis 5,354,005 98
rayjay1    desert rat's
East-Nagach 7764 rayjay1 desert rat's 5,271,178 116
rayjay1    CMDR Shepard's Flock
Korch 7212 rayjay1 CMDR Shepard's Flock 5,142,130 99
rayjay1    Golden Knights
Mount Killmore 8105 rayjay1 Golden Knights 4,971,940 119
rayjay1    Knights Alliance
Qunrir 7120 rayjay1 Knights Alliance 4,897,207 118
rayjay1    Happy
Greifental 7615 rayjay1 Happy 4,784,499 112
rayjay1    Sons of the Light
Rugnir 6978 rayjay1 Sons of the Light 4,724,908 119
rayjay1    The Empire Legacy
Houndsmoor 8195 rayjay1 The Empire Legacy 4,518,402 123
rayjay1    k.w.s
Parkog 7060 rayjay1 k.w.s 4,487,246 106
rayjay1    The Hive
Sinerania 7099 rayjay1 The Hive 4,377,764 120
rayjay1    sanctification
Odhrorvar 7239 rayjay1 sanctification 4,171,794 110
rayjay1    League of Maddness
Jaims 7994 rayjay1 League of Maddness 3,503,091 110
rayjay1    Draco Haven
Yorkton 7557 rayjay1 Draco Haven 3,050,518 24
rayjay1    Sky People
Angkor 7576 rayjay1 Sky People 2,129,951 40
rayjay1    Richard the Lion
Xyr 9422 rayjay1 Richard the Lion 2,020,959 23
rayjay1    blue dragon
Zorskog 7978 rayjay1 blue dragon 1,959,822 37
rayjay1    Rascall44
Walstrand 8156 rayjay1 Rascall44 1,934,087 63
rayjay1    skywalkersdestroyers
Vingrid 8877 rayjay1 skywalkersdestroyers 1,814,363 58