18607 rank

51,350 points

54 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
themadpiper    FREE TRADER
Langendorn 11465 themadpiper FREE TRADER 584,282 313
Qunrir 15740 themadpiper 88,093 485
Dunarsund 19089 themadpiper 68,302 87
themadpiper    Nobody
Fel Dranghyr 18607 themadpiper Nobody 51,350 54
themadpiper    Guardian Knights
Tuulech 17049 themadpiper Guardian Knights 42,923 273
themadpiper    The Traders
Uceria 18232 themadpiper The Traders 33,647 51
themadpiper    New World Order
Houndsmoor 20886 themadpiper New World Order 32,443 37
themadpiper    The 5th Legion
Odhrorvar 18322 themadpiper The 5th Legion 26,527 16