4338 rank

27,183,163 points

11,025 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
junior6569    FoE-Rengi Alliance
Arvahall 323 junior6569 FoE-Rengi Alliance 965,751,857 231,545
junior6569    bloody red
Brisgard 3326 junior6569 bloody red 57,337,335 21,214
junior6569    WHITE OWL
Cirgard 4217 junior6569 WHITE OWL 30,286,584 11,703
junior6569    YYY
Fel Dranghyr 4338 junior6569 YYY 27,183,163 11,025
junior6569    Rebel Scum
East-Nagach 4662 junior6569 Rebel Scum 25,820,866 11,262
junior6569    Free Trade Alliance
Dunarsund 5189 junior6569 Free Trade Alliance 20,482,318 8,687
junior6569    Paradox
Greifental 9217 junior6569 Paradox 2,083,411 5,445
junior6569    The Iron Alliance
Jaims 11426 junior6569 The Iron Alliance 658,452 1,327