11284 rank

837,647 points

1,825 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
trentb7    Galatians
Tuulech 4098 trentb7 Galatians 24,078,064 36,749
trentb7    Part Timers
Fel Dranghyr 11284 trentb7 Part Timers 837,647 1,825
trentb7    Whovian Knights
Qunrir 11778 trentb7 Whovian Knights 430,856 1,741
trentb7    Busy Bees
Uceria 12751 trentb7 Busy Bees 289,019 637
Parkog 13527 trentb7 175,961 566
trentb7    Eye of Awe
Brisgard 18312 trentb7 Eye of Awe 125,059 427
trentb7    Leo's Rising
Rugnir 15767 trentb7 Leo's Rising 72,169 407
trentb7    Not My Main Guild.
Korch 18094 trentb7 Not My Main Guild. 40,610 171
trentb7    Little Death INC
Sinerania 17043 trentb7 Little Death INC 39,664 138