13390 rank

379,210 points

230 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Free Spirit 1   
Houndsmoor 23 Free Spirit 1 2,504,115,043 821,017
Free Spirit 1   
Mount Killmore 13607 Free Spirit 1 546,223 276
Free Spirit 1    Queen of the Dead
Dunarsund 13836 Free Spirit 1 Queen of the Dead 463,445 270
Free Spirit 1    Queen of the Dead
Vingrid 12203 Free Spirit 1 Queen of the Dead 424,553 227
Free Spirit 1    Queen of the Dead
Fel Dranghyr 13390 Free Spirit 1 Queen of the Dead 379,210 230
Free Spirit 1    Queen of the Dead
Odhrorvar 12450 Free Spirit 1 Queen of the Dead 326,944 253
Free Spirit 1    Queen of Dead
East-Nagach 14535 Free Spirit 1 Queen of Dead 295,841 34
Free Spirit 1    Queen of the Dead
Jaims 13692 Free Spirit 1 Queen of the Dead 293,976 34
Free Spirit 1    Welcome to my hood
Sinerania 13240 Free Spirit 1 Welcome to my hood 253,040 67