10339 rank

1,278,764 points

639 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
swanders    Damn the Torpedoes
Cirgard 9707 swanders Damn the Torpedoes 2,155,547 751
swanders    The Arc
Fel Dranghyr 10339 swanders The Arc 1,278,764 639
swanders    DEFIANCE
Arvahall 13239 swanders DEFIANCE 1,203,132 862
swanders    Number 3
East-Nagach 11384 swanders Number 3 963,711 879
swanders    gods of the sea
Dunarsund 11957 swanders gods of the sea 912,050 842
swanders    Knights Templer
Brisgard 13015 swanders Knights Templer 844,584 530
swanders    Boats and Hoes
Birka 8738 swanders Boats and Hoes 398,776 198