11329 rank

819,805 points

758 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
John Doe 71   
East-Nagach 9361 John Doe 71 2,488,913 1,238
John Doe 71    The Justice League
Yorkton 9764 John Doe 71 The Justice League 1,079,692 921
John Doe 71    Firefly
Fel Dranghyr 11329 John Doe 71 Firefly 819,805 758
John Doe 71    Shut up and Fish
Sinerania 11448 John Doe 71 Shut up and Fish 466,186 518
John Doe 71    The Nightswatch
Odhrorvar 11514 John Doe 71 The Nightswatch 446,900 507
John Doe 71   
Parkog 12710 John Doe 71 249,416 380
John Doe 71   
Birka 9946 John Doe 71 212,527 354