5323 rank

15,952,351 points

10,465 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Vincenzo73    Trilogy: The Sequel
Sinerania 1363 Vincenzo73 Trilogy: The Sequel 185,725,112 53,480
Vincenzo73    Long Vacation
Langendorn 2156 Vincenzo73 Long Vacation 94,041,499 35,596
Vincenzo73    Oma's Guild
Fel Dranghyr 5323 Vincenzo73 Oma's Guild 15,952,351 10,465
Vincenzo73    Popke's Crew
Brisgard 13617 Vincenzo73 Popke's Crew 667,681 373
Vincenzo73    Oma's Guild
Birka 9641 Vincenzo73 Oma's Guild 248,733 319