10610 rank

1,135,941 points

1,268 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Livia 1551 the Avenger   
Jaims 10150 Livia 1551 the Avenger 1,200,532 1,399
Livia 1551 the Avenger    Heathens
Fel Dranghyr 10610 Livia 1551 the Avenger Heathens 1,135,941 1,268
Livia 1551 the Avenger    Wan Shi Tong
Korch 10693 Livia 1551 the Avenger Wan Shi Tong 936,221 1,348
Livia 1551 the Avenger   
Cirgard 11758 Livia 1551 the Avenger 880,288 1,114