11606 rank

726,660 points

550 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sir Vincente    Ruggersworld
Arvahall 10306 Sir Vincente Ruggersworld 4,008,404 1,313
Sir Vincente    VAHALLA
Brisgard 9931 Sir Vincente VAHALLA 3,122,268 1,266
Sir Vincente    Boondock Saints
Dunarsund 11080 Sir Vincente Boondock Saints 1,303,586 872
Sir Vincente    tigers
Zorskog 9198 Sir Vincente tigers 1,135,645 736
Sir Vincente    Mayhem Inc
Angkor 9145 Sir Vincente Mayhem Inc 1,116,090 708
Sir Vincente    Great kings
Vingrid 9885 Sir Vincente Great kings 1,106,090 723
Sir Vincente    for people who play
Greifental 10488 Sir Vincente for people who play 1,077,148 633
Sir Vincente    The Legends
Sinerania 9681 Sir Vincente The Legends 1,058,348 779
Cirgard 11399 Sir Vincente THE BLACKSTAR DEVILS 990,032 642
Sir Vincente    The Stormchasers
Tuulech 10261 Sir Vincente The Stormchasers 733,866 681
Sir Vincente    Dragons Tooth
Fel Dranghyr 11606 Sir Vincente Dragons Tooth 726,660 550
Sir Vincente    neighborhood watch
Parkog 11771 Sir Vincente neighborhood watch 371,437 351