9699 rank

1,737,230 points

783 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Grimm the brave    1 O'Worst
Noarsil 7602 Grimm the brave 1 O'Worst 3,880,245 1,475
Grimm the brave    Knights Who Say Ni
Fel Dranghyr 9699 Grimm the brave Knights Who Say Ni 1,737,230 783
Grimm the brave   
Dilmun 4674 Grimm the brave 486,012 260
Grimm the brave    Biscuits n Gravy
Tuulech 12649 Grimm the brave Biscuits n Gravy 225,215 204
Grimm the brave    Reapers
Parkog 15428 Grimm the brave Reapers 69,153 94