18035 rank

49,356 points

307 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BadGirl the Wise   
Cirgard 17201 BadGirl the Wise 106,431 424
BadGirl the Wise    femmebutfirm
Arvahall 22070 BadGirl the Wise femmebutfirm 70,432 543
BadGirl the Wise    Black Thorn
Brisgard 20024 BadGirl the Wise Black Thorn 66,153 473
BadGirl the Wise    Knights of Nii
Fel Dranghyr 18035 BadGirl the Wise Knights of Nii 49,356 307
BadGirl the Wise    ShadowRyders
Greifental 17789 BadGirl the Wise ShadowRyders 43,743 513
BadGirl the Wise    HonorTeam
Korch 18269 BadGirl the Wise HonorTeam 37,761 322
BadGirl the Wise    just here
Dunarsund 20182 BadGirl the Wise just here 37,318 369
BadGirl the Wise    lion of the forest
East-Nagach 19810 BadGirl the Wise lion of the forest 30,289 343