13185 rank

412,681 points

190 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
rajodoc    Victory
Arvahall 15134 rajodoc Victory 644,798 210
rajodoc    Cairn Seekers
Qunrir 11445 rajodoc Cairn Seekers 538,559 219
rajodoc    Masters of All
Fel Dranghyr 13185 rajodoc Masters of All 412,681 190
rajodoc    Captains of Light
Parkog 12137 rajodoc Captains of Light 359,833 208
rajodoc    MANY MOONzzzz
Vingrid 13561 rajodoc MANY MOONzzzz 236,952 56
rajodoc    Dead Phish
Brisgard 17531 rajodoc Dead Phish 185,183 39