16072 rank

112,617 points

295 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pompeia 2109 the Proud   
Birka 11186 Pompeia 2109 the Proud 112,931 251
Pompeia 2109 the Proud    McGibbins
Fel Dranghyr 16072 Pompeia 2109 the Proud McGibbins 112,617 295
Pompeia 2109 the Proud    Happy Guild
Qunrir 15302 Pompeia 2109 the Proud Happy Guild 84,868 172
Pompeia 2109 the Proud   
East-Nagach 17440 Pompeia 2109 the Proud 76,685 95
Pompeia 2109 the Proud    Dewolfe Pack
Greifental 19231 Pompeia 2109 the Proud Dewolfe Pack 23,112 47